Super Ágil Term Deposit
Receive interest on your savings in Kwanzas on the 5th business day after the savings is established
The Super Ágil Term Deposit offers:
Exclusivity to new features
100% guarantee of the invested capital
Interest on the fifth working day after the setting up of the savings account
Interest Rate
Interest is calculated daily on the principal invested and not withdrawn at each moment, based on a 365-day year.
Minimum initial deposit | Currency | 90-day rate | 180-day rate |
1 000 000,00 | Kwanza | 9,00% | 11,50% |

Conditions for transactions
- No automatic renewal allowed;
- No redemption allowed;
- No capital increases allowed;
- No capitalization of interest allowed.
Capital guarantee of the full amount deposited at maturity
Interest paid is subject to Capital Gains Tax at a 10% rate, through the withholding tax mechanism.
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