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Automatic payroll via file

What can be included in Payroll?

The service is for companies that want to transfer the salaries to their employees' accounts, in a fast, convenient, and secure way

Fee-free service, except for the individual cost of each transfer (charged according to the transfer pricing in force)

Kwanza (AOA) - Valid for internal or interbank transfers
Dollar and Euro (USD and EUR)- Valid for internal transfers (salary payments between ATLANTICO based accounts)

Benefits of the Service

  • Fast
  • Secure
  • Cost reduction in payroll payments
  • Flexibility in cash management
  • Fast access to salary
  • Free access to the Multicaixa card

Método de Processamento

  • Ficheiro PS2: permite transferências entre contas do mesmo Banco em qualquer divisa, sem limite de valor a débito ou a crédito
  • Ficheiro PSX: permite transferências interbancárias via STC ou SPTR (apenas em moeda nacional), de acordo com os limites definidos (transferências iguais ou inferioresa Kz 5 000 000 processadas via STC e transferências superiores a Kz 5 000 000 processadas via SPTR)


Fees and consideration for financial services are subject to a 14% VAT rate, in accordance with Article 12(1)(i) of Law No. 7/19, of 24 April.

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