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What is the step-by-step for investing?

  • Have an account with ATLANTICO (this limitation stems from the fact that the funds are not yet integrated into CEVAMA for trading on BODIVA, in an over-the-counter or exchange market).
  • Contact your manager and express how much you want to invest
  • You will be given the following elements:

  • Simplified Prospectus

  • Management Regulations

  • Subscription bulletin to purchase shares

  • Redemption bulletin, when you already hold shares and want to convert them to cash

How can I know the status of my investment?

  • Requesting information from your manager
  • Consulting your Internet Banking
  • Visiting the Management Company's website which provides the daily unit value of the shares

What Investment Funds are available to invest in now?

  • Liquidity Fund - Money Market Securities Fund - Open : 1st open fund in Angola, +150 participants, + 6 years in operation
  • Pactual Property Fund - Real Estate Fund - Closed

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